Useful Links

Links to useful resources on the internet.

There's a multitude of information available on the internet. This is just a small sample.

In English

There's are lively forums for all your questions here and here.

The Camino Society in Ireland has a website with lots of information from an Irish perspective. Their quarterly magazine Shamrocks and Shells also has a website.

The Canadian Company of Pilgrims have an excellent website with downloadable guides dealing with subjects like camping, luxury hotels, etc. They even have a recipes page!

The American Pilgrims site is good too. They also have a good statistics section.

Also the Confraternity of St James from the UK now has lots of information and some guides you can download.

There's also an excellent blog with tonnes of additional information here

And, of course, the Pilgrims Office in Santiago have an official statistics page, which is also very interesting.

This site contains links to nice maps of Caminos all over Europe.

In Spanish

One of the best from the Eroski group with information on everything and a lively forum. Mundi Camino is another site with loads of information.

This is the website of the Amigos del Camino.

The Jacobeo website has lots of information if you can find it.

In French

Les Amis du Chemin de St Jacques in St Jean Pied de Port also produce a list of pilgrim accommodation which they update every year. It can be downloaded from the website.


Here's a video of the Botafumeiro in Santiago cathedral.

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral from Plaza Obradoiro Galicia Spain Camino de Santiago

Copyright © Gerald Kelly 2024. All text and photos.